Distinguished Prof Dietmar W. Hutmacher named in the Courier Mail Westside News’ power list of top academic minds
Distinguished Prof Dietmar W. Hutmacher is in the top 0.01% of scientists based on his impact according to a new metric
Distinguished Prof Dietmar W. Hutmacher speaking at 3DMedLIVE : 3D printing in surgery (2-3 October 2019, London)
Distinguished Prof Dietmar W. Hutmacher discusses what we can learn from SHARKS to regrow human cartilage on ABC Radio
Dr Michael Wagels, Director of the Australian Centre for Complex Integrated Surgical Solutions, Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Princess Alexandra Hospital visiting our industry partner Osteopore
A clarion call for understanding regulatory processes for additive manufacturing in the health sector
Our publication “Rational Design of Mouse Models for Cancer Research” is featured in the special collection of Cell Press