6th German-Australian Science and Innovation Day & Exciting news from DProf Hutmacher0 Comments/15 September 2021
A humanised rat model of osteosarcoma reveals ultrastructural differences between bone and mineralised tumour tissue0 Comments/18 June 2021
DProf Dietmar W. Hutmacher is invited to join Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society0 Comments/15 June 2021
3D printers that can see and learn to advance manufacture of precision body implants0 Comments/10 June 2021
DProf Dietmar W Hutmacher has joined the Editorial Board of Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering0 Comments/2 April 2021
DProf Dietmar W Hutmacher presented at the 4th International Forum on Additive Manufacturing0 Comments/20 November 2020
British Consul General visits the University of Wollongong’s ACES and TRICEP centres led by DProf Gordon Wallace0 Comments/21 September 2020
“Three-dimensional printing in a pandemic: panacea or panic?” by DProf Hutmacher and Dr Wagels (the Medical Journal of Australia)0 Comments/21 September 2020
The Age: “The bone corrector spends his career on the straight and marrow”0 Comments/14 September 2020
3D printing in the medical field: the concept, the benefits and the future by DProf Dietmar W Hutmacher (3DMedNet)0 Comments/12 August 2020